Roma Koragyermekkori Hálózat – Romani Early Years Network

REYN International

The Romani Early Years Network (REYN) connects practitioners from Romani, Traveller and other backgrounds working with Romani and Traveller young children, families and communities. The network is already active in 18 European countries with more and more being added. REYN serves as a platform trough which Romani and other Early Childhood Development practitioners can improve their confidence and competences in their work with Romani children and their families. REYN is hosted and managed by ISSA in partnership with Open Society Foundations’ Roma ‘Kopaçi’ Initiatives of the Early Childhood Programme (OSF/ECP).

REYN aims to:

  • Support the development of skills and good practice,
  • Share knowledge drawn from experiences of working effectively with Romani families and young children,
  • Establish effective partnerships between Roma and other practitioners working with young Roma children,
  • Support professional development for those working with these marginalized and excluded groups.

The beliefs and values which underpin the work of the network are reflected in the REYN Manifesto.

REYN members are invited to take part in trainings, study visits and professional development courses sharing their experiences and initiatives with other professionals through interactive blogging, webinars, social media groups and conferences. REYN members have access to the resources and services available to ISSA’s members and friends on theISSA Online Community.

For more information about REYN international:

You can join the international REYN network in the following link: