Új hírek az EU tájékáról
A helyzet lassan változik, de a jó hír, hogy az alábbi adatok szerint egyre több roma kisgyerek vesz részt kora gyerekkori fejlesztésben
Angolul tudók REYN tagoknak ajánljuk az alábbi oldalakat.
The Commission adopted the 2017 Communication on the Midterm Review of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020. It is stated that: The assessment highlights how the situation of Roma has changed since 2011. Overall, the picture is slowly improving, for instance there is now greater participation of Roma in early childhood education and a declining rate of early school-leavers. On the other hand, the assessment also shows that as many as 80% of Roma are still at risk of poverty; although this figure is lower than in 2011.
Please find it here: http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/just/item-detail.cfm?item_id=127519
EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova told reporters that the Commission will next year start a review of how the funds it set aside for anti-discrimination work were spent. For the 2014-2020 period they plan more than €42 billion for this purpose. The European Commission will “brutally” review whether EU funding for anti-discrimination programmes is wasted, as part of its renewed efforts to make sure a new strategy for protecting Roma populations after 2020 actually works.
Also DG Justice launched a call, it is about evaluating researches on Roma children. http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/just/item-detail.cfm?item_id=394482